Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Last Day

My last day was a short and sweet one. There were only two patients that came in while I was in there. One patient has had cronic back pain so Diane did ultrasound on it and worked on pulling the scapula out to loosen up the tissues around that scapula. I was suprised to see how easily and how much the scapula would come away from the body. The second patient is one that has M.S. She has been coming to see Diane for many years now to work on balance because that is something that is effected when you have M.S. With M.S. you are also effected a lot by fatigue, heat, and stress. It is interesting because this M.S. and Parkinsons have been apart of studies that say they could be environmentally caused. The patient that we saw's sister had Parkinson's, and the neighbor had something similar as well. They also drank a lot of ground water when they were younger so that could explain why they have these conditions.

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