Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Carpal Tunnel and a Leg Amputation

May 10, 2011
Worked 9:00-12:30, 1:30-2:30
This morning was a slower one, but I had the chance to get a head start on my studying of the parts of the knee. I will be quizzed on the bones and muscles in the knee, which is an easier place to start because I know a little something about it from my surgery last year.
The first patient today was one with carpal tunnel from repeatedly scooping cookie dough. The carpal tunnel is in her right hand but the body tends to mirror things and she has it in her left as well. Diane let me do the ultrasound on both hands and she got stim and well as doing her stretches.
Nancy Schoeller was in the office this morning because she often comes in to help Diane answer the phones, so it was fun to catch up with her. The phones were not ringing very much so she got to catch up with her facebooking which she is really into right now.
The other very interesting thing that I got to hear about today was about a man that is having his leg amputated and getting a prosthetic. He is working on strength in both his legs and his arms from a previous injury. I was able to hear about what his exercises consisted of and about a surgery that I had never know first hand of someone having. I came in after lunch to see this one!
A man that had had rotator cuff surgery came in earlier in the day and was doing very well with his range of motion. After warming up, Diane was doing passive range of motion stretching, meaning that she was doing all of the work in order to extend his range of motion.
I had a great day today, learned alot and I look forward to getting back in there Thursday!
10:05 p.m.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like some pretty sad stories...I hear carpal tunnel syndrome resulting from scooping cookie dough is a common problem in this region of NH.
